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Wildix Collaboration

As technology evolves, using older communication tools might be slowing things down. Cloud solutions like Wildix can help keep your business on track and ahead of the curve. Wildix Collaboration is a web-based tool for business communication that enables teams to work together efficiently. It brings all your real-time communications tools together in one place: chat, audio calls, video calls, video conferencing and much more. Thanks to Wildix Collaboration, colleagues and departments located in different parts of the world can work together as a team.

Easy to use

Intuitive and easy to use, and no end-user training is required.

Fully web-based

Fully web-based with native support for WebRTC to enable audio and video calls from the browser without additional software installation.

Truly unified

Truly unified, enabling you to manage all your communication tasks from the same user interface, including group chats and video conferencing.

Video conference
No need to travel — participate in online meetings with your team, partners and customers located all over the world.

Live chat and call from your website

Turn your website into an efficient lead generation tool with Wildix WebRTC Kite. Provide an instant way for your customers and lead to reach your company via the web.

Contact center business intelligence
Track the quality of your customer interactions and improve your customer experience with x-caracal, Wildix’s call center analytics tool.

Monitoring & Reporting
Take control of your business and make data-driven decisions thanks to CDR-View, Wildix’s call activity statistics and reporting tool.

Built-in Attendant Console
Manage high volumes of concurrent calls using the numeric keyboard or the mouse. Supports assistive hardware and software for visually impaired and blind users.

Smart Working

Wildix solutions let your remote teams and those working from home to stay 100% productive and communicate with customers in the same way as from the office.